Keep Dancing!!!
I have often been asked what my strengths and weaknesses are. Something I never really thought of till when I was diagnosed neurodiverse around three years ago. To be honest it was something I never… Keep Dancing!!!
I have often been asked what my strengths and weaknesses are. Something I never really thought of till when I was diagnosed neurodiverse around three years ago. To be honest it was something I never… Keep Dancing!!!
Well, I think I have finally recovered from last night’s Superbowl. It is my night of the year when I attend my annual Superbowl Party – in my case a Superbowl Party for one. That… Superbowl – It’s Party Time!
How often have you heard people say, “I have just seen my past life appearing in front of my eyes”? Comments like that usually suggest when people get those kinds of visions, it is their… Every picture tells a story
Well, it is just after lunchtime and I can now say that I have fully recovered from watching Scotland’s more than deserved victory over Spain last night, regarded as one of the top sides in… Football Memories – The Pride and the Passion
Performing and Music have always been in my DNA. I think what played a part in that, was the regular trips to the theatre, watching many showbiz legends, who for me defined the term “Star.” … A Vision of Elvis – The Ultimate Tribute
When it comes to websites, it is like regular trips to the Barbers, despite the thought and planning that went into it and the occasional compliments that sometimes cropped up, there was always one person,… Time for a bit of rebranding – Again!
I have lost count of the number of occasions I have fallen into this trap, having taken so much time setting up my revamped website, which included my online blog, I automatically go into shutdown… Unlocking my Creative Mind and the King of Rock n Roll