I admit when it was first suggested to me that I may be Dyslexic, it automatically triggered a feeling of denial. I always had the view that it was a disability and the last thing I considered was that I was disabled.
“How can I be dyslexic?” I would always tell myself. I worked as a Journalist for 15 years, I have been involved in the writing and publishing of five books and I am currently working on book number six.”
But it was thanks to a telephone conversation with the person who was going to do the assessment, suddenly any feeling of trepidation, became a sense of relief. Everything was starting to make sense.
I have heard stories of dyslexic people who were branded stupid pre-diagnosis and when they had a reason for their difficulties, had a feeling of anger, which for me was understandable, but in my case, it was one of relief.
Everything started to make sense. I not only understood why I struggled in certain areas, going right back to my childhood, but how strong I was in other things.
Like most dyslexics, for them, those strengths are regarded as their personal superpower. Used correctly those strengths can lead you to achieving so much in your life.
Instead of trying to work out how to get from “A to B”, you take the scenic route, going A.1, A,2, etc before eventually hitting your destination.
It may take you longer to get there, but you learn so much more.
It is referred to as dyslexic thinking. Something that is now a recognised skill.
Around 40% of entrepreneurs are dyslexic, like Richard Branson. Scientists, like Albert Einstein, Creative Geniuses like John Lennon, Steven Spielberg, Actors like Whoopi Goldberg, Keira Knightly, and Orlando Bloom are also all members of that special neuro-diverse club.
Now I know that I am not going to write or record a number one pop song or act in a multi-million pound movie, or that I am going to make an earth-shattering scientific discovery. But they have certain characteristics that occur in all dyslexics.

They find a way to remove barriers to their weaknesses and make maximum use of their various strengths, the list is endless. How they do it is down to each individual.
“Dyslexic thinking is a way of approaching learning, problem-solving, and assessing information that involves skills such as pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, lateral thinking, and interpersonal communication. It can also include skills like creativity, analytical thinking, and emotional intelligence.”
As someone who comes from a creative and performing background, I recognised bits of me in that description. I like to think of someone who can see the bigger picture who likes to create and develop ideas and work around any potential obstacles.
I face that challenge every day whenever I do my radio shows and as for my next book, I have plenty of ideas and already know what my next book is about, how it will start, and how it will end.
I now have to work out how to get that idea on to paper.
It took me a long time me to write the last book. And now as someone proud to call himself a dyslexic thinker, I know I will be able to work a new strategy in developing the next chapter in my creative life.
Not forgetting the valuable assistance of some patient proofreaders of course.