Who needs perfection?
Well, the party season is officially over, so may I wish everyone all the best for 2025. At this time of year, people tend to look at the year gone past and how this year… Who needs perfection?
Well, the party season is officially over, so may I wish everyone all the best for 2025. At this time of year, people tend to look at the year gone past and how this year… Who needs perfection?
As a former alumni of the old “Come Dancing” TV programme, I have to say that I am hooked on this year’s Strictly Come Dancing this year. Aside from the questionable music choices and inconsistencies… Determination and Planning goes a long long way.
I admit when it was first suggested to me that I may be Dyslexic, it automatically triggered a feeling of denial. I always had the view that it was a disability and the last thing… My Dyslexia – My Personal Superpower
I want to be a famous and bestselling writer and author. I would also like Greenock Morton to win the Champions League, but all things are not possible. That statement is not designed to shatter… Happy New Year: Time for new challenges
Writing books is a labour of love, sometimes challenging, but it is a proud moment when you can deliver a final product ready for the bookshelves. Getting people to buy them is an even bigger… Marketing – the penny has finally dropped
“2023, I am going to find a new me.” That was an interesting quote that I picked off from the TV the other day that kind of sums up what the next months are going… 2023 and the Italian Tomato
When I started publishing and writing books, it made me fall in love with writing after 15 years of block building journalism. But creating and maintaining websites, certainly comes a close second. In fact creating… Learning the hard way.